Friday, 14 December 2012

Magazine design

The chosen magazine design was based on Wedding theme. Here are the steps from research to actual design.

(1) Research

In research part, it was based on the pagination with boxes to hold the pictures, in order to make it simple and clear. Pictures shall be the most important element to communicate.

(2) Conceptualization

Again, the idea of this magazine is mainly base on a feeling of "comfortable". The whole idea is to be simple and easy to read. The tone and manner of this magazine design is to carry a feeling of grand and a little bit of old school style. However, it goes back to the basic of "SIMPLE".

3.1 Progress/ Steps

Front Cover

Front cover used a very comfortable colour with hig res pic of model. Magazine name as Touch, which sound simple and easy to remember.

The completion of front cover with headlines on left and right.

After the template has been define, it is to place the content page with words and pictures. It is to keep simple and easy to read as well.

Next will be the editorial page, it uses the main colour of pink (vintage) and picture with the feeling of vintage as well. 

after that, is to place headline as well as content into the page with Lorem Ipsum words.

Next, the content page uses the template with pink blurb to hold the title of page.

 Next, It is to place the content and photos into the page.

After that, it is to include a yellow box to hold certain info to make the page look more interesting.

Next page uses the same template again with pink blurb, info placed according to pagination with dot lines to separate each other.
 Last, content page uses the same template as well. This is to showcase of best dresses. 1 bold red line included to make the page look more interesting.

Next, picture included with blue blurb to indicate the price at the bottom part.

Lastly, it is to include information at the bottom part. 

4 Final Artwork


Dennis Yap. 2012.Retrieved from

Wedding Nouveau. 2012. Retrieved from
The egallery. 2012. Retrieved from
Ultimate Wedding Magazine. 2012. Retrieved from
Sakura. 2012. Retrieved from